
In the wake of the Huawei crisis, there are no winners

In the wake of the Huawei crisis, there are no winners

At his time we would normally present the winners and losers of the week. This time, however, there are only losers, in China, the US and all over the world.

It was a bang in the night between Sunday and Monday. Google made the start and terminated its cooperation with Huawei as a consequence of Donald Trump's Emergency Ordinance. The mobile phone giant from the Middle Kingdom is no longer allowed to use Google services or provide updates, and with each new message it became worse for Huawei, because more and more companies are disconnecting from the manufacturer: ARM no longer supplies chips, no Panasonic components, Microsoft won't give Windows licenses, and even microSD cards may no longer be used by Huawei if the situation does not change.

Of course, customers also suffer from this unspeakable affair. The Huawei and Honor smartphones already on the market will still receive updates and may continue to use the Google services, but will look into the tubes of Android Q. For the new models like the Mate X, the Mate 20 X or the Honor 20 Pro it looks very gloomy. Android also works without Google, but this is rather a theoretical option. If the blockade persists, Huawei, the second largest smartphone manufacturer in the world, will eventually disappear or shrink dramatically, and with it the choice of customers.

Also on the US side, there are only losers

But wait a minute, one or the other will now notice all the US companies and Donald Trump, they are laughing up their sleeves! Well, no. If Google, Qualcomm, Intel, Microsoft and Co. are no longer allowed to do business with Huawei, then not only will Huawei lose its supplier, but also one of its largest customers. As long as the US government continues to ban Huawei, these companies will miss out on huge sums of money, apart from the organizational difficulties.

And Donald Trump is also one of the losers of history, even if he still doesn't seem to notice it. The US President, who has still not provided any evidence for the accusations against Huawei, is not only damaging Huawei, but his own industry as well. The sledgehammer approach, typical of Trump, damages the trust in the USA and its companies as reliable partners and will sooner or later lead to large corporations from all parts of the world looking elsewhere for new partnerships. And all because of an order from Donald Trump.

Google vs Huawei: why Android could be the big loser in the end

Have you, unlike me, been able to spot a winner this week?

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  • storm May 28, 2019 Link to comment

    I own multiple Huawei products. Im posting from a Huawei tablet. I won't miss Huawei as a direct consumer. Their software and updates are poor. Their build quality (duarbility) is poor. The ports are poorly implemented and fail early in the life of the products.

    As an indirect consumer I might miss them more for the cellular connectivity going forward. But i doubt that quality is really any better, just inexpensive to aquire.

    • Franz Fifty May 29, 2019 Link to comment

      So you post this comment based on your experience with the "product" Huawei? Not with the situation based on economic war started by the USA against a company without any evidence? Right?

      • storm May 30, 2019 Link to comment

        The article asks who the winners are. And the consumer isnt going to be really hurt because the product isn't that good.

        There is public evidence but it's not exactly current. But the current evidence could also be withheld because of security interests that would reveal collection ability.

        I worked for a number of industries that had export bans on their product because they were considered security type products. A lot of export regulation is not precisely based on evidence even aside from the current silliness.

  • CJ Brown May 28, 2019 Link to comment

    This situation is not good for Consumers! One less choice is not winning! Commander in Chief Cheeto tiny hands doesn't comprehend "how to use the WTO to negotiate trade and tariffs" (and use the WTO to file complaints involving stolen intellectual property!)

    Huawei makes great devices, but that's no excuse to turn a blind eye regarding what China has been doing for years (human rights violations, excessive outpouring of smog effecting our atmosphere, slave labour, etc).

    Tired of China being number one in cheap manufacturing? Don't like how they use that as a bartering mechanism? Then move electronic manufacturing someplace else (and make sure it can be done without so much pollution / sweatshop labour)! 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • yotzmach May 28, 2019 Link to comment

    Competition is the winner

    • Sorin May 29, 2019 Link to comment

      Competition is the winner, yes, only to play honestly. And on both sides!

  • storm May 28, 2019 Link to comment

    Vodafone in Italy showed the Huawei evidence. Pr9bably not all the evidence either.

  • nightflyer2131 May 28, 2019 Link to comment

    O tht orange head clown is dam menace the so called master of business does not now Jack about business and not worth a penny to give advice o it at tht what ashame he's make othe business hurt at tht

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