
Top 5 News: Nexus 8, fake S3s, Flappy Bird, lock screens and N5 volume

Top 5 News: Nexus 8, fake S3s, Flappy Bird, lock screens and N5 volume

 The results are in from our last weekly survey, and it seems the vast majority of you are expecting to see the Galaxy S5 unveiled at Mobile World Congress at the end of the month. I'll be there so I'll get my grubby little fingers on one if it is, but the other likely appearances, as voted by you, were the HTC One+ and the LG G3. We now know the G Pro 2 will appear, thanks to an LG confirmation, but you might have forgotten that Samsung already confirmed the Galaxy Gear 2 will launch alongside the Galaxy S5. What? No one cares about the Gear 2? Yeah, can't say I blame you. So, what's making news this week?

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It's the Top 5 News of the Week! / © NextPit

Google to launch Nexus 8 by mid 2014

Many of us are still waiting for the Google Nexus 10 that looked oh-so-ready to debut alongside the Nexus 5 several months ago and then vanished like Jimmy Hoffa. It seems like no one really cares what happened to the Nexus 10 (I think it may have been shelved entirely) and has shifted their attention to the likelihood of a Nexus 8 appearing in the coming months. What do you think? Will Google pump out an 8-inch tablet and lose the 10-inch version?

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A picture of what seems to be the Nexus 8 tablet. / © Google/AndroidPIT

How to tell if a Samsung Galaxy S3 is fake

Everyone loves a bargain, but sometimes a bargain is not a bargain but a scam instead. We'll show you how to spot a fake Galaxy S3 in case you're shopping around online or taking a holiday to a fake-phone mecca. I picked up a fake iPhone 5 running Android last year and I love it, but there was a few people there when i bought it that didn't even seem to realize that something was up. Get savvy on what makes a fake now!

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Real or fake? We'll show how easy it is to spot a fake S3. / © MaxiGadget

Think you've got mad game skills?: try your hand at Flappy Bird

Grr, I HATE this game, so much so that I forced everyone I know to install it so we could all complain about how freaking hard it is together and then continually say ''ok, last one'' until the wee hours of the morning. If you haven't played this infuriating game yet you need to get on it. At least for a day of complaints until that glorious moment that you either get your skills down pat or you uninstall the cursed thing! Just one more...

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There's not much to Flappy Bird other than crazily addictive and simple gameplay. / © .GEARS Studios

5 lock screen alternatives to spruce up your Android smartphone

Lock screens: love em, hate em, never even think about em. Lock screens are just as important to your smartphone as the home screen, but often get nowhere near as much love as they deserve. For instance, you can set up your lockscreen to basically be another home screen, one that doesn't even require you to unlock your phone. So give your lock screen the love it deserves and customize today.

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© Cover

How to boost the speaker and headset volume on the Nexus 5

The Nexus is a lovely device with a few problems everyone likes to complain about. Even with the recent firmware fixes to the camera and speakers, that paltry sound issuing from the speakers or headphones is still not sufficient to make your ears bleed (I count this as a bad thing). So use this little trick to beef up the juice flowing from your Nexus 5 and get yourself some permanent hearing loss. Or, be sensible about it. Whatever floats your boat.

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Even the new, slightly ''bigger'' Nexus 5 speaker is pretty poor. / © Android Lab


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