
Top 5 News of the Week

Top 5 News of the Week

This week, we had a whole range of news, ranging from porn on Google Glass, Rumor about HTC being a phablet, Samsung Galaxy S3 combusting into flames, HTC One edition, running Google Glass on your phone and our video on using the Samsung Galaxy S4 and its camera modes in real life.

androidpit thumbs up
© NextPit

Porn Apps for Google Glass Coming As Soon As "this week"

This might delight some and disgust others, but you can't deny this blog post's popularity this week. The adult app emporium MiKandi confirmed that they're working on a pornographic app for Google Glass that will be available as early as this week. It remains to be seen what kind of freedom the company will allow developers in the future. In any case, I'm sure there's a huge market for Google Glass porn apps. 

© Mikandi

Rumor: HTC Building Phablet to Compete with Galaxy Note

Is HTC building a phablet to compete with Samsung's Galaxy Note? It's still a stretch to give an unequivocal yes to that question, but there's mounting evidence HTC is building a larger phone. I, for one, would love to own a larger HTC device. Would you be interested in buying an HTC phablet?

galaxy note
© Samsung

Samsung Galaxy S3 Takes After The Human Torch

"Flame on!" was most probably the phrase that a certain Samsung Galaxy S3 owned by a Reddit user exclaimed at approximately 3.15am EST. It burst into flames approximately one hour after it was plugged in to recharge its drained battery in order to have it be ready for a brand new day's worth of emails, phone calls, social networking and text messages.

S3 Teaser Update
 © NextPit

HTC One Google Edition Is Likely Coming This Summer

According to multiple sources, HTC is working on a Google Edition of the HTC One that will launch this Summer. The update to the HTC One has been confirmed by both Russell Holly at Geek (who successfully predicted the Galaxy S4's Google Edition) as well as CNET's Roger Cheng.

htc one nexus
 © HTC

Wanna Run Google Glass on Your Phone? Here's How.

Thanks to Zhouwei Zhang, Android users can now install different parts of the Google Glass software and user interface on their phones through an .apk file. Did you have a chance to try this out?

google glass brille
 © Google

The Samsung Galaxy S4 & its Camera Modes Tested for Real Life

I took AndroidPIT's Samsung Galaxy S4 on a day trip to one of Berlin's hottest places called Cassiopeia and tested it out. This YouTube video will show you how many of its modes work and some of the cool things you can do with them. What do you think?

s4 camera drama 1
 © NextPit


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