
twidroid for twitter

twidroid for twitter

Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that lets registered users post and share texts limited to 140 characters with others. These messages are known as "updates" or "tweets" (from the English verb to tweet).

Twidroid offers you a valuable mobile Twitter client designed for your Android platform that leaves little to no room for improvement.


Reviewed version Latest version
3.1.4 Varies with device

Features & Use

Using Twidroid you can post tweets as well as direct messages. This client also provides you with a convenient photo upload feature.

On top of that, you can follow interesting contact, personalize your user settings, and take full advantage of the Twitter search engine.

What's even better is that all your Twidroid features are location-aware because of the integrated Android GPS.

Finally, you can let Twidroid run in background mode and still be notified about new tweets through the Android notification framework.

To sum it up, all these features make Twidroid an exceptional Twitter client.

Screen & Controls

The display is very neat and clear. There's no need for an instructions manual; the application is fast and self-explanatory. All in all, the presentation and navigation of this application won't make you wish for anything more. Twidroid's design may remind you that of an iPhone, which means that appealing clients can also be developed using Android.

Speed and Stability
Despite the application being a 1.0 version based on the first Android version (RC30), there are no complaints regarding speed and reliability, as long as you’re using a UMTS connection. When using the GPRS Network some lags and stalls may occur.

If you leave Twidroid permanently running in background mode, the application will suck up battery power leaving you "tweetless" in less than 12 hours.

Speed & Stability

Twidroid ran reliably in this test and made no problems. Here is nothing to complain of.

Price/Performance Ratio

The application is free to use and download, assuming you have an unlimited data plan. Without one all this tweeting can cost you a fortune, especially if you leave your Twidroid running in background mode all day long.

Twidroid can be accessed via Android Market.


twidroid for twitter twidroid for twitter twidroid for twitter

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  • Sorin Apr 28, 2018 Link to comment

    Interestingly, I did not even know that Twitter can be other applications than the Twitter application itself. Perhaps so because Twitter offers too few characters to write something, so if you need to write a more sophisticated idea then you have to send even tens of messages. It is very unclear how an XXI century messaging application may have fewer characters than an SMS. It's really stupid.

  • Wakfu Oct 7, 2016 Link to comment

    Hello i'm the fucking man who writes in and say:
    In 2010, twitter was bullshit

  • steve Sep 26, 2016 Link to comment

    how many twitter apps do we need.

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