
Some Twitch streamers are earning up to $50k an hour

Some Twitch streamers are earning up to $50k an hour

You've probably already heard of Twitch, the favorite video platform for professional gamers and fans. You have also probably learned that video games are an extremely profitable field once you find your place in the industry, and the salaries of the biggest streamers on Twitch illustrate it well.

Top live-streamers, as the Wall Street Journal calls them, can earn between $25,000 and $50,000 an hour. What do they have to do to earn this amazing salary? Play new online games. Of course, not all streamers earn this much, only the most influential and well-known ones.

The question is therefore why companies are willing to pay so much for the best streamers. The reason is simple: it's a large-scale marketing campaign in which they can target a lot of people. We are talking about tens of thousands of users, up to 200,000, according to Forbes.

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According to rumors, EA has invested a lot of money for streamers to play Apex Legends on Twitch. / © Respawn Entertainment

With technology, advertising has evolved (or is it the other way around?) and is now omnipresent on the Internet. This is a new example, as is product placement on YouTube (which aims to make the unconscious work as well).

We can, of course, ask ourselves if this amount is exaggerated or not, but it is certain that for a company it is interesting to invest so much money if it can reach so many people so quickly.

Do you watch any live-streamers on Twitch?

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