
Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon are officially under investigation in the US

Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon are officially under investigation in the US

According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. Department of Justice has launched an investigation into some of the largest American technology companies. Needless to say, this list includes Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon.

Many of the companies targeted by the U.S. Department of Justice play a very important role in the world of mobile technology. Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook would have committed the 'crime' of becoming too large and too dominant platforms in the field of search, social media and retail. This behavior could be interpreted as anti-competitive.

As a result of the new investigation, the four technology companies (and many others) may be at the center of two separate investigations, one by the Department of Justice and one by the FTC. Both agencies are responsible for investigating antitrust matters, constantly examining the competitive landscape of each company's industry.

Evan El Amin shutterstock 1200585187
Yes, Mr. President, we know that you also have a hand in this. / © Evan_El-Amin /

The fear is that these organizations have grown to such an extent that they are exercising too much power. The measure comes immediately after the refusal by Facebook and Google to divide into several smaller companies as a result of pressure from U.S. political parties. Needless to say, there is also the hand of President Trump, who has previously suggested the Department of Justice should sue Facebook and Google.

We will follow the matter closely and update you as soon as we get more information about it.

Via: PhoneArena Source: WSJ

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  • marco sarli
    • Admin
    Jul 24, 2019 Link to comment

    I just hope this brings some results. It was about time.