
Verizon BOGO offer on Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus: worth it?

Verizon BOGO offer on Galaxy S9 & S9 Plus: worth it?

Verizon has just launched its buy one, get one free deal on Samsung's brand new flagships, the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9 Plus. Pick up one of these slick babies from Verizon and get a second one for free. But of course, there's a catch or two. Let's take a look at the offer to see if it could be a bargain for you.

So two top smartphones for the price of one sounds good, but there's no such thing as a free lunch. Let's see what's on the table here.

What you get with Verizon's BOGO offer

The first catch is that the cheaper model of the two will be the one that’s free. So if you buy a Galaxy S9 Plus and a Galaxy S9, the Galaxy S9 will be the 'free' one. Not sure which one to get? We compare the Galaxy S9 with the S9 Plus in detail

Secondly, you’ll need to purchase both on a monthly payment plan from Verizon, which according to our reader poll, is not exactly well-loved by many customers. 

The way this works is that the carrier will give you bill credits totaling $799.99 each month for 24 months, effectively making the device free if it's an S9, and considerably discounted for the S9+. Verizon does warn it may take one to two months for these bill credits to apply to your account so be careful.

You'll have to commit to this plan if you want the deal. If you leave Verizon before the 24 months are up, you will end up owing the remaining balance.

Still sound good? Then snap it up while you can from Verizon's website.

Do you think Verizon offers a good deal? Have you found a better one elsewhere? Let us know in the comments!


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  • Dennis Mitchell Apr 5, 2018 Link to comment

    If you have two current lines of service and use the bogo and add a line and later cancel one of your current lines will this work since you have met their requirement to add another line?

  • E.e. Theron Mar 19, 2018 Link to comment

    What david said is true. So I have an s8+ and was thinking of upgrading. I was gonna pay the amount to be able to avail the early upgrade (when you're halfway thru your contract), then upgrade to s9+, avail the buy 1 get 1 since I'll be starting again for 24 mos.

    I was told, you gotta have 2 active lines open, one is the new line and 1 is your existing account. You gotta be paying still for your existing device to be able to avail the BOGO. So i cant turn in my s8+, you'll have 3 phones then 😒

  • David Martrano Mar 17, 2018 Link to comment

    Yes, Verizon offers great deals for new customer's & new lines. But if your a loyal long time customer there are absolutely no deals. One would think it should be reversed! Yikes!

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