
Can Volvo's Polestar 2 really challenge the Tesla Model 3?

Can Volvo's Polestar 2 really challenge the Tesla Model 3?

Tesla just has to behave. Polestar, the Swedish car manufacturer whose parent company is none other than Volvo, has unveiled a new teaser for the Polestar 2. The future 100% electric sedan will be unveiled online on 27 February before making its appearance in front of the general public at the next Geneva Motor Show from 7 to 17 March 2019.

While all eyes may be on Tesla now because of its success and the arrival of the Model 3 in Europe, the competition must not be forgotten. Polestar, the young Swedish manufacturer, is preparing to unveil its second vehicle model. After the Polestar 1, a plug-in hybrid coupe that will soon be available on the market, it is now the Polestar 2's turn to see the light of day.

For those who are not aware of it, Polestar is considered as Volvo's in-house partner for specialist preparations just like Mercedes-AMG and BMW Motorsport are for example for Mercedes and BMW. But the manufacturer also has its own range.

The Polestar 2, a 100% electric sedan, will therefore have the heavy task of competing with the Tesla Model 3, the best-selling electric vehicle in 2018. The revelation will be broadcast live on February 27 at 13:00 (Paris time) on Polestar's website and on Polestar's YouTube channel.A week later, the Polestar 2 will make its first public appearance at the Geneva International Motor Show from March 7 to 17.

For its announcement, the brand took the opportunity to show the rear of the future vehicle. This one differs slightly from Polestar 1. Despite the lines still as refined as ever, the lights are now one and the same because a strip of light connects the left and right lights. For the rest, the information on the car is still rather limited. All we know is that it will be equipped with a new multimedia interface. Several rumors also suggest a power of about 400 horsepower and a range of 500 kilometers. Enough to seduce a large audience.

Did you know the Polestar brand? Will you be following the event?

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