
Walmart rumored to be exploring its own game streaming service

Walmart rumored to be exploring its own game streaming service

Hot on the heels of Google Stadia, Mountain View's game streaming service for Chrome-enabled devices, Walmart is rumored to be exploring the idea of a competitor. No seriously, I'm not joking!

According to a report in US Gamer, the American retail giant is already in discussions with developers and publishers about entering the game streaming market. If these reports are true, Walmart will be taking on PlayStation Now, Xbox Game Pass, Shadow's high-end streaming service, and now Google Stadia. That's a tough crowd of gaming pedigree to break into it.

The Editor who wrote the report for US Gamer said he has "multiple sources familiar with Walmart's plans, who wish to remain anonymous". No further details about the streaming service were revealed other than that it will be for video games. Apparently, Walmart has been the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) this year for meetings with game developers and publishers. Walmart already sells physical copies of offline games, of course.

It sounds a little far-fetched, but Walmart needs to branch out. Due to the increasing dominance of online retailers such as Amazon, Walmart has been exploring several tech-based markets where it can grow. It has already set up Walmart Labs in Silicon Valley, where a 6,000-strong workforce develops the brand's tech presence. Walmart is also testing self-driving delivery vehicles with Ford.

ford walmart 1
Autonomous cars could soon deliver your shopping! / © Walmart

The fact that Walmart is exploring a game streaming service does not, of course, mean we will ever see it. The company previously had plans for a video streaming service to take on the likes of Netflix and Hulu, but scrapped the project after it was deemed "too risky".

Video gaming streaming is really picking up in 2019. Google Stadia, announced this week at GDC, promises latency free 4K quality streaming of AAA games to any device that can run the Chrome browser. We still don't have any word on pricing yet.

What do you think about a Walmart video gaming streaming service? Does it have a chance in this market? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: US Gamer

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    David Sir you are a Pro (Professional). 😊😊 Hare Krishna 🙏

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