
How to send a WhatsApp message to someone without saving their number

How to send a WhatsApp message to someone without saving their number

With over 2 billion users, WhatsApp is arguably one of the most popular messaging applications on the planet. And the reason for its staggering popularity lies in its sheer simplicity. Just think of it. All a person needs to get WhatsApp up, and running is a smartphone with a data plan and a phone number.

While there is no doubt about the fact that it's this very simplicity that made the app as popular as it is today, you can't help but talk about this annoying problem with the app that I am sure many of you might have encountered.

Well, the thing is rather simple. At the time of publishing this article, there seems to be no easy way to send a WhatsApp message to a person who is not in your phone contacts. This is a particularly annoying issue since there are times when you need to send a one-off WhatsApp message to a person who isn't in your contacts. And to add the person needlessly to your contacts just to send that single, one-time message is a bit too much, right? 

While several third-party apps claim to 'fix' this issue for you, you should always tread with caution if you decide to embark on this path. This is simply because many of these apps come from developers with questionable credentials and dubious privacy policies.

What is the solution then, you might be wondering?

In this article, we will show you how to send WhatsApp messages to someone who is not in your contacts. What's even better is the fact that this method doesn't require you to install third-party apps or worry about whether you're phone is running iOS or Android.

How to send a WhatsApp message to someone not in your contacts list

At the outset, let me make it clear that the steps you read below aren't really as confusing as it might look. However, I am sure that once you complete the process, you will get used to it and it will be easier the next time you do it. Anyway, let's dive right in. 

The first thing you need to do is to open the browser app on your smartphone.

Once open,

  • Type the following link in the search bar: (In place of the Xs type the phone number of the person you want to contact, including the country code, but without the + sign.)

  • This means if the person has an American number (with the +1 prefix), it would look something like this:

  • Press 'enter' on your smartphone.

  • A WhatsApp window will open asking if you want to send a message to that phone number. Press on 'send message'.

  • You will automatically be redirected to WhatsApp with the 'start chatting' window to the person you entered in your phone.

how to send whatsapp without saving contact2
Well, this is a lot simpler than you thought, eh? / © NextPit


You can use this method every time you want to send a message to someone who you do not wish to add to your contacts list. And like I mentioned earlier, the steps mentioned above might seem daunting initially - but once you get the hang of it, it will be a piece of cake and come to most of you naturally.

Anyway, what do you think of this short but nifty WhatsApp hack? Were you aware of this trick? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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  • RKP 1 week ago Link to comment i preferred to use

  • Paulo zOiO zuLLu Aug 10, 2020 Link to comment

    I prefer to use the shortcut

  • inbox Apr 29, 2020 Link to comment easy way

    • RKP 1 week ago Link to comment

      yes its easy to use and remember path

  • Johnny Apr 25, 2020 Link to comment

    I use for years!
    They have app for Android & iPhone and also for web.

  • edward Feb 22, 2020 Link to comment

    I found the website very useful. Simple website with one click to open Whatsapp chat without saving to the contact.

  • berry johnson Jan 16, 2020 Link to comment

    I have read this full guide but is this way is secure?

  • Pritesh Jan 9, 2020 Link to comment

    Can I know through this link from among the many numbers, which numbers are on Whats App and which are not?

  • Damian Jan 5, 2020 Link to comment

    After comparing the different tools, i find the following the cleanest UI and easiest to use.

    • Damian Mar 28, 2020 Link to comment

      You can download it as an app on your mobile too

  • Tyler Rat Dec 15, 2019 Link to comment

    Hey, I am using tool to whatsapp anyone without saving number, and surprisingly they are not annoying me

  • Rene Dec 9, 2019 Link to comment

    Hello, I always use this web tool:
    Just enter the number and chat with the person you want.

  • jorgepzp Dec 4, 2019 Link to comment

    Tell your friends that they can send WhatsApp messages without having to add the contact to your phone, just visit:

  • Murari Jul 11, 2019 Link to comment

    I tried this trick and it worked for some days......after that when I hit message button..the link is redirecting to playstore instead of whatsapp application.......I checked the permissions as well everything is cool.....but I'm not sure how to fix this.......please help

  • SDDave Jul 4, 2019 Link to comment

    This doesn't work. Is it because I don't allow whatsapp access to my contacts? I don't want whatsapp to have access to my contact list. I just want to send a message.

  • eSparkBiz Jul 1, 2019 Link to comment

    We don't want to save every contact on our phone then this trick would be advantageous.

  • Mubashar rehman Jun 30, 2019 Link to comment

    My WhatsApp number has been bunned please turn on again my WhatsApp number

  • monslu Apr 3, 2019 Link to comment

    Very convenient, thanks a lot !

  • sharma Aug 16, 2018 Link to comment

    great article.I am using "WhatsUnsaved" app for this purpose which lets me use call logs and provides pre-saved messages including recent copied text for quick response.I am using it for my marketing purposes.I also found call rejection with whatsapp reply very useful.

    • Anand Jul 30, 2019 Link to comment

      Is there any option to send same message to multiple unsaved numbers through PC or Android. Please suggest

  • John Karlin May 7, 2018 Link to comment

    I found a simple app called "Easy Message" that does this!

    • sharma Aug 16, 2018 Link to comment

      try WhatsUnsaved,the better option

      • Anand Jul 30, 2019 Link to comment

        Is there any option to send same message to multiple unsaved numbers through PC or Android. Please suggest

  • Parveen Bhadoo May 5, 2018 Link to comment

    There is a simple website for that either open or search "numbertowhatsapp bhadoo" on google.

  • Ethan Shalev Feb 5, 2018 Link to comment

    I wrote a tiny bookmarklet that prompts the user for a phone number and redirects to the whatsapp API.
    See my post here: facebook dot com/ethan.shalev/posts/10155089042465025

    or simply create a bookmarklet with this URL:

    var phone = prompt("Who you gonna call?", "12125552368");
    if (phone != null) {
    window.location.href = "https [remove these extra characters] :// [and these too]" + phone;

  • Herry Limantoro Feb 4, 2018 Link to comment

    I made a simple web app just for this, no install needed, no ad whatsoever

    bit dot ly (slash) whatsappany

    You can also Add to Home Screen from Chrome's menu to create a shortcut on your launcher desktop, like an app

  • Ezra Shapiro Feb 3, 2018 Link to comment

    I saved the address with my country code as a bookmark, so I can go there and just enter the phone number, but Yitzchak Russek is correct, the Quick Message app by Adaptive Bits is more convenient.

    • sharma Aug 16, 2018 Link to comment

      Try WhatsUnsaved, better option.

  • Ezra Shapiro Feb 3, 2018 Link to comment

    Very nice, easier than the method in the article for sure.

  • Yitzy Russek Feb 3, 2018 Link to comment

    There's a app for that:
    "Quick Message"

    by "AdaptiveBits"

  • Florin Voicu Feb 3, 2018 Link to comment

    how great this is! only if you could add consecutive numbers to send broadcast messages... 😄

  • Fullmetal Jun Feb 3, 2018 Link to comment

    Great finding Thanks

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