
How to uninstall bloatware and delete preinstalled apps on Android

How to uninstall bloatware and delete preinstalled apps on Android

Not all preinstalled apps on your smartphone will be of use to you. By removing apps you don't want or need, you'll be able to improve your phone's performance and free up storage space. Apps you don't need but cannot uninstall are called bloatware. With our tips, you can delete, remove, disable, or at least hide preinstalled apps and bloatware.

What is bloatware?

Bloatware is commercial software that is preinstalled on a device by the manufacturer, whether it's useful or not, and tends to waste memory and resources. While some of these apps may be useful, the majority of them simply sit there taking up storage space and in some cases, affecting the performance of your phone. 

Because most users never touch a lot of pre-installed apps on their new phone, but rather than leave them there wasting precious computing power and slowing down your phone, it's best to remove or at least disable them. However, removing some pre-installed apps is not a straight forward procedure since many of them come baked into the operating system. While there is no universal bloatware remover, this guide will take a look at some of the methods you can possibly use to delete preinstalled apps on Android. 

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Uninstalling vs. disabling bloatware

Wondering how to uninstall apps on android that won't uninstall? Well, truth be told, you essentially have two options - when it comes to such apps. Disable them or uninstall. Both have their pros and cons, but what are the differences? Uninstalling bloatware is the more drastic of the two options, and involves completely removing the files from your device. While this is the best way to ensure that the app will not be bothering you anymore, it is risky as it could cause problems further down the line if some of those files are needed.

Disabling bloatware is much more risk-free. It will ensure that the app does not take up valuable RAM by running in the background but it also means that the app is not really 'gone', in the sense that it is if you have uninstalled it. Depending on the app and your device, the choice between uninstalling and disabling certain apps might not be yours to make anyway. Let's take a look at both approaches.

Disabling bloatware: general guidance

Many apps continue to consume resources while they’re not in active use. They also take up space in the app drawer. Since Android 4.0, however, there has been the option to disable apps. 

  • Head to Settings > Apps.
  • Here, on most phones, you will find three tabs: All Apps, Disabled, and Enabled.
  • Depending on the make of your phone, these menu options could change.
apps and notifications
Check out your apps in the Settings menu / © NextPit

Basically, what needs to be done is to find the app that you wish to disable in this list. Tap on the app and check if you have an option to 'disable' them. You will also notice that some apps on the list do not get an 'uninstall' option.

Some apps cannot be uninstalled or disabled (the Settings app, for example). These apps are essential for Android to run properly. Anything that does not fall into one of these two categories can usually be disabled unless it is on a protected system partition (some manufacturers deliberately do this with their apps).

Or, if you use a third-party app for emails, you can make the default email app on Android disappear. When disabling an app, the system warns you that some programs might not work properly afterwards. This refers to apps that rely on the app in question to function normally.

Should you change your mind, you can return to the app list and reverse the process. Every app will continue to be listed there, even if it is invisible in the app drawer. Although the layout can vary slightly depending on the manufacturer's OS, the process is very similar on most smartphones. Below. you can learn how easy it is to uninstall Samsung apps.

How to delete apps on Samsung phones

Samsung's UI deviates from stock Android in a few ways, and it comes with an alternative process to disable Samsung's bloatware apps:

  • Simply open the App Drawer.
  • Then long press on any app to bring up a bubble that will allow you to disable the app, or uninstall if possible.
Long pressing on an app icon will bring up the option to disable or remove / © NextPit

A disabled app will no longer run in the background and will not receive any updates, eliminating unnecessary drain on resources.

How to delete preinstalled apps (rooting required)

It can be frustrating when you really want to delete apps on Android but the system only lets you disable it. If you really know what you're doing, there's a way to get complete control over your phone's software.

If you are not afraid of voiding your warranty, or getting rid of certain sensitive apps like Samsung Pay or certain online banking apps, you can also root your device. Then you can completely uninstall any app. System app remover (ROOT) helps you do just that. However, be warned, doing this might make any number of other apps stop functioning properly.

Consult these articles (and a tutorial specific to your device) before choosing to root, to better understand the process and its consequences:

Uninstall and disable standard Google apps

Android is a network of several software components and apps. Some of these apps become superfluous if you choose to use an alternative. The result is, after a while, dead weight in the system. Here’s a list of the standard apps that can be safely disabled once you've set up an alternative:

Apps and app ID

App Name App ID
Sound Recorder
Voice Dialer
Video Studio

What happens if I disable Android apps?

Once disabled, the apps disappear from your app drawer, stop receiving updates and no longer run silently in the background. In addition, any apps that depend on the disabled app will stop working. Should you disable Google Play Services, for example, several system apps will go down and, more than likely, a few apps that are not directly related to Google will start to behave erratically.

It is therefore important to have a reliably researched list of apps that do not cause collateral damage when you disable them. The above list is incomplete and will remain that way without your help. Therefore, we invite you to share your experiences with deactivated apps in the comments.

Uninstall tons of apps

We are all guilty of being at least a little lazy when it comes to cleaning up our smartphones. Apps that we no longer use can quickly accumulate out of sight. Uninstalling individual apps through the Play Store is time-consuming, so it is more practical to remove a load all at once. In our guide, we have summarized how multiple apps can be deleted at once using the free app Cx File Explorer.

The first step is to download Cx File Explorer from the Google Play Store.

  • Open the app. If it’s your first time opening the app, you will have to give the app some permissions such as photos, media, and files on your device.
  • Select apps at the bottom of the menu.
cx file explorer
From the side menu, select APP / © NextPit
  • You can now tick the apps you want to remove on the right-hand side.
  • Select the apps you want to remove and tap uninstall at the bottom of the screen.

For safety, you must verify each app by pressing OK. The advantage of this is that you can choose not to delete an app you accidentally selected without having to cancel the entire operation.

There you have it, these are the best ways to delete, stop and hide those unwanted apps. When was the last time you cleaned up the apps on your phone? Do you have any questions or suggestions? Share them with us in the comments below.

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  • Ultimate XLR-8 4 months ago Link to comment

    Company Integrated Bloatware in very cleaver way, even your remove it. missing of it can cause system failure....

  • Vijay 10 months ago Link to comment

    The one thing I always check before buying a new phone is whether it comes with stock Android or not. I pick the best option available in that. Had a really bad experience with a Vivo which I bought which had tons of apps that I never used.

  • Speedbird Concorde 001 Nov 24, 2020 Link to comment

    Teach us to uninstall google. Not kidding, they're a scam. They steal your never know. Don't shove a "privacy policy" at me, they never follow it. I rather use Microsoft

    • Mariyan 10 months ago Link to comment

      I know its kinda late, but you can delete it the same way as the other bloatware. Just search up in youtube how to delete bloatware on samsung. Its not hard u just have to plug your device into a computer and type some code in the cmd/terminal

    • liz_evergreen 3 months ago Link to comment

      I believe you have figured this out already, but it works Just as with the other apps - go to system/app/chrome and delete the apk.
      Cleaned up several devices this way w/o any issues.

  • janeman Oct 2, 2020 Link to comment


  • Will Haryson Sep 7, 2020 Link to comment


  • Leo's Friend Jul 14, 2020 Link to comment

    This doesn't work for preinstalled system apps. The article says it can be used on preinstalled apps too, but clearly not the system ones.

    I tried it on the annoying preinstalled "Emergency Alerts", Facebook, Messenger, and Voicemail apps. It just gives the message that the apps selected are System Apps and doesn't uninstall them.

    I already can uninstall apps I downloaded myself without help from CX. I need something like [other than?] CX to uninstall the bloatware apps that came with my phone. Specifically the ones that do not allow me to uninstall via Settings/Apps.

    If CX is just one if the many apps that requires I root my phone to get rid of the junk (albeit, with a much smaller memory requirement), I fail to see the benefit.

    • Rahul Soren Sep 11, 2020 Link to comment

      You can debloat preinstalled system apps without root.

    • Mariyan 10 months ago Link to comment

      You can uninstall apps like messenger, facebook. You can even uninstall the settings app, but i do not recommend you doing it. Search up in youtube how to delete bloatware on samsung phones and it will show up a few videos. You just plug your phone in your pc, give some permissions, and entering some code in the cmd/terminal. To be honest, im not sure if it is placebo effect or whatever it is called, but my phone is buttery smooth from when i deleted apps like duo, netflix, faceebook and this kinda stuff you wont even use you know

  • addermc Mar 13, 2020 Link to comment

    Articles are great and everyone giving comments and suggestions are excellent. I have a ZTE Max Android (traded my iPhone 10 to 15yr old daughter) which I completely love. But completely hate anything GOOGLE (thanks to there"Help"I spent two months in jail, until proof showed their "Help"was wrong) Question is would doing the"Root"be beneficial???? Thanks again.

    • Mariyan 10 months ago Link to comment

      Well it depends on what you want to do. If u want to get rid of google-no. If you want to modify your phone and increase its speed, then yes

  • marco sarli
    • Admin
    Oct 20, 2019 Link to comment

    Or root the thing and get rid of whatever you want

    • Mariyan 10 months ago Link to comment

      You dont need root for that

  • AD_LB Jul 22, 2019 Link to comment

    There is also this app for Samsung devices, which can at least disable system apps:
    "Package Disabler [Samsung]"

    • Mariyan 10 months ago Link to comment

      Its the same as disabling an app

  • Portia Mar 24, 2019 Link to comment

    I have a Nokia 3.1 with Android one. I have installed open source launcher, email, contacts, maps and phone dialler from F-droid, also duckduckgo browser extension. I have succeeded in shutting up almost everything by disabling including Google Play Services, although it still sends one annoying notification a couple of times a day saying 'Device Health services won't work unless you enable GPS'. This cannot be turned off. Apart from a notice that appears if I start playing sudoku that says it won't work without GPS, which is a lie that I ignore, everything else is fine. It is annoying though that unless one is a techhead, which I absolutely am not, Google makes it as difficult as possible.

    • addermc Mar 13, 2020 Link to comment

      Dude can I switch phones with you. It sounds like you Have Done, what I Want To Do. And desperately need help making the change.

  • F.Alam Jan 1, 2019 Link to comment


  • Zaxx Jan 1, 2019 Link to comment

    Motorola may no longer be a hot n trendy brand but my G6 is nearly pure Android...counts for a lot imho. ...and the G6 is a sweet mid-range offering, also imho.

    • addermc Mar 13, 2020 Link to comment

      Also,G6 is a good song.(11 yr old cousin wanted to add comment. She's right though)

  • AlexandraChamberlain Dec 30, 2018 Link to comment

    "Early in the springtime we round up the dogies
    Mark 'em and brand 'em and bob off their tails

    COPY AND PASTE...............HEAR>>>

  •   25
    Deactivated Account Dec 30, 2018 Link to comment

    Android One devices and Google Pixel are free from additional bloatware.

    Bloatware is certainly undesirable. I remember buying Asus Zenfone Max which offered great specs for the price but came with 50 to 55 Apps pre-installed. I disable about 20 of them. Couldn't uninstall and they consumed a lot of internal storage. What's worse, updates from Asus added additional apps like Instagram. ZenUI was a nightmare.

  • Shaheen Miah Dec 15, 2018 Link to comment

    Even Huawei and Sony Xperia is rubbish - bloated with bloatware, rooted the phone but there is no app that can remove any of the rubbish taking up my internal storage space.

    • Mariyan 10 months ago Link to comment

      No need to root to remove the system apps

  • Sorin Nov 23, 2018 Link to comment

    For now I'm happy with the current configuration. Now I'll know what to do to free up space. I did not root the phone, and this is the next thing I'm going to do, then the customization options are more numerous. But the most interesting thing is the possibility to uninstall implicit applications, even without root, that's what I'm really trying to do. Excellent article, very useful, thanks.

  • Waqar Ghafoor Sep 9, 2018 Link to comment

    Wow, amazing article. It's really helpful and interesting

  • storm Sep 7, 2018 Link to comment

    It doesn't really work that well be cause most of it is packed into the ROM.

  • Michel Tisdale May 2, 2018 Link to comment

    I don't worry about Samsung pre-installed apps as I will never, repeat never buy another Samsung phone again.

    • Vytautas Zhemaitis Jun 13, 2018 Link to comment

      It`s Yours choice. But you will never got rid off from Google spying and reporting to CIA. If you do no want root your device and apply to run programs as You wish, You have alternative choice- buy the I-phone. Nibbled Apple will supply your data to CIA directly. :D

      • Michel Tisdale Jun 14, 2018 Link to comment

        You're correct, it's my choice and I will never choose Samsung again. I also would never choose apple either. Too over priced for the features that I love and not compatible with Project Fi which is the right price for me.

      • Speedbird Concorde 001 Nov 24, 2020 Link to comment

        google steals your data! they never follow their privacy policy. they're a scam. I need to know how to uninstall google, I rather use Microsoft (Bing)

      • marco sarli
        • Admin
        Nov 24, 2020 Link to comment

        You can use Bing as a search engine. You can not "uninstall". Google. Google is Android. You can disable or stop using Chrome and install a different browser. Try Vivaldi.

      • Quinto Creations - Business Account 1 month ago Link to comment

        Lmao @ Google spying on you. Here's a quick reality check for you, and I know its gonna strike a nerve, but here we go: "YOU'RE NOT THAT IMPORTANT. NOBODY IS WATCHING YOUR EVERY KEY STROKE. Idiots like you try to sound smart spouting off computer conspiracy theories like this, but really look downright intellectually handicapped because you obviously do not possess the ability to use your brain for the one thing that separates humans from other animals, critical thinking.
        Here's another quick hint. Go grab a 7yr old, and have him/her do some equating for you. Take populations, hours, days, minutes, employee work days, day offs needed etc etc. Etc. Then have the kid do some calculations to get a rough idea how many people would be needed to"have basically everybody on the net monitored".
        I don't wanna spoil the answer for you. But in order to understand the answer you'll have to understand the value of numbers and the value of resources in amounts already unimaginable.
        <<<slaps my forehead and wonders why breeding isn't a privilege granted and denied from people who if standing next to DTrump, makes him look like a brilliant scholar>>>

    •   25
      Deactivated Account Dec 30, 2018 Link to comment

      Does Samsung flagship smartphones also come with pre-installed bloatware apps? I am considering to buy Samsung Galaxy S10 next year. What about Bixby? Heard a lot of bad stuff about it. Can't it be disabled?

      • Mariyan 10 months ago Link to comment

        No if u do not delete it

    • Aegean weight fourth subunit Jul 12, 2019 Link to comment

      The hardware in the E tablets are next gen but they have more bloatware than installing a bloatware trojan can give you. But they surprisingly still have more space than most devices.

      • Aegean weight fourth subunit Jul 12, 2019 Link to comment

        Wait actually you can only disable half of the pre installed software "samsung internet cannot be disabled"

  • Ant Apr 1, 2018 Link to comment

    My phone came with apps that once uninstalled install themselves when I reboot my phone??? Dr Eye and KKbox I never use. When I click on Dr Eye it wants to download a database?! How do I permanently get rid of these?

  • Brianna Castro Dec 28, 2017 Link to comment

    Nice Article

  • Sascha Zimmer Dec 28, 2017 Link to comment

    Easyest way for customers: Buy a Nexus. Best wax for Google: Build a good Nexus for ~500 moneys again.

  • fl2oftmd Dec 28, 2017 Link to comment

    Ah yes every year around Xmas same click bait article.

  • Rusty H. Dec 27, 2017 Link to comment

    5 years ago, I was your typical go-buy-a-contract-phone, but broke the cycle & went with an MVNO and outright bought the phone. Most of the time, buying direct from a manufacturer, you have a LOT less bloat. (especially if you don't buy a samsung phone!). Couple apps in my Huawei phone won't uninstall, so I just lock em so they won't work.

  • Eddie Dec 10, 2017 Link to comment

    Nice article! I just joined about an hour ago and I'm addicted to this site.... Good articles and also good replies from our members... Im learning from both lol

  • juliomedina Nov 29, 2017 Link to comment


  • Allan Morris Nov 29, 2017 Link to comment

    Thanks for sharing this great post. Thankfully, there aren't much Bloatware/pre-installed apps on my Pixel 2.

  • Rusty H. Nov 28, 2017 Link to comment

    My last 3 phones have been Huawei, and, for the most part, they are pretty bloat free. No features locked out and with the exception of a couple google apps, easy to uninstall or at least block, without resorting to unlocking bootloaders or rooting.

  • Leo Sibal Dec 27, 2016 Link to comment

    For Samsung users, you can download the paid app Package Disabler Pro. It can disable even the system apps on your device. No root required. Worked great for my S7.

    • Oscar Meza Feb 1, 2017 Link to comment

      Hey Leo I need your help I have a Samsung Galaxy S7 with a pre installed Facebook application. I do not want to root my device. I did follow your directions buying the Package Disabler Pro but when I did select the Facebook app and go to more options, the option to uninstall is not activated. Can you help me please? This app is killing me, some features in my Facebook account are being deleted by itself. Thanks.

  • Muthu Krishnan Dec 27, 2016 Link to comment

    Very useful articles...thanks for sharing this...Kindly visit my blog too..

  • little lee Oct 19, 2016 Link to comment

    it is a great post. but i have another way: download purify, a remove bloatware app.

  • CJ Brown May 11, 2016 Link to comment

    A well-written article and a bit of advice -- if you have a local Smartphone Repair Shop nearby? Most will remove the bloatware from your Android Smartphone for a small fee ?($25)

  • Steven F. May 4, 2016 Link to comment

    Ok but here is a question that I didn't see addressed by your note. I have a Motorola Moto X Pure Ed. running OS 6.0 and it has 4 things that are of no use to the a large number of western users Google Hindi input, Google Japanese Input, Google Korean Input, Google Pinyin Input. Now I know there are users for these apps but I would like to recover the space that is allotted to them on my particular phone. Can this be done without rooting? If so how? Oh and how about Cloud Print. If I indicate that I want to disable it, it says other apps may no longer function as intended and data will be lost... what would be the consequences of disabling this?

  • Dominik Herencic May 4, 2016 Link to comment


  • Emris Joseph May 4, 2016 Link to comment

    Thanks again

  • Rishabh Ryber May 3, 2016 Link to comment

    Nice article

  • Maggie May 2, 2016 Link to comment

    I have gone through he basic steps to resolve my " camera failed" error when I click on my camera. Next suggestions is to disable it from the applications manager, but the disable button is dithered. Any suggestions?

  • Rishabh Ryber May 2, 2016 Link to comment


  • Albin Foro May 1, 2016 Link to comment

    I've never had the guts to root a device. The best thing that ever happened to my LG phone was dropping it so it failed to boot, then reviving it through hard-reset[dot]com, which not only restored function but blitzed out all the preinstalled apps - nearly doubled the available internal storage. I've found disabling permanently preinstalled apps to a few kb of storage generally works well enough, but disabling Google Calendar with a third party app continues to nag for updates to Google's calendar.

    • Alex Simpson May 1, 2016 Link to comment

      wich lg do you have?

      • Albin Foro May 2, 2016 Link to comment

        Check out the site hard-reset[dot]com - easy to find the supported models.

  • Craig Lewis May 1, 2016 Link to comment

    Marginally helpful article. I find that once I select an app to be disabled, it wants to have the updates uninstalled. If I choose yes, the updates uninstall. THEN the app shows up in the Marketplace and cannot be removed unless you update it. THEN it is reactivated and you are back to square one! For this to really work, the Marketplace needs to be updated to mark unwanted apps. It should also be updated to have a separate tab for purchased apps.

  • Michal Horna Apr 30, 2016 Link to comment

    very good article for novices
    but every man should know what to use and what to give away

  • Alex Apr 30, 2016 Link to comment

    its indeed helpful article but all the things explained there were already known by millions of people including me..

    • Mark Mandel Dec 30, 2016 Link to comment

      What's your point? You could say the same about almost any informative article...and also that those things were UNKNOWN, or not well understood, by millions of people.

      • Alex Apr 4, 2017 Link to comment

        This article is like basic 101 android article posted in about every Android site and I have seen this for many times and you are too old to understand it sir!

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